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Positive Psychology & Movement

Integrating Your Mental & Physical Well-Being

Most of us know that physical exercise has numerous benefits for our overall well-being, but sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to prioritize movement, especially in modern lifestyles which are often quite sedentary. In this course, dive deep into the psychological science of how movement powerfully influences our experience of our emotions and our moods. Explore how to move with purpose, discover practical ways to move more, and understand the fundamentals of movement to flourish.


Course Features

  •   Start the course anytime
  •   6 hours on-demand learning
  •   31 short lessons with expert videos
  •   Daily tasks to apply new knowledge practically
  •   Lifetime access to videos & notes
  •   Certificate of completion
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What You'll Gain from this Course

  • Understand that psychological well-being is experienced in the body through our emotions and the effects of “endogenous drugs.”
  • Explore the evolutionary foundations of both physical activity and rest, and why our instinct to sit often overpowers our desire to move.
  • Understand the role of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and endocannabinoids and how to create a virtuous cycle that keeps you moving.
  • Discover how vigorous activity, active sitting, and interrupted rest each contribute to reduced inflammation.
  • Experiment with linking your physical activity with different aspects of well-being: learning, connecting with others, playing, competing, and contributing.

Leona Brandwene

Director, Penn LPS Online Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology, Associate Director of Education, Positive Psychology Center

Leona Brandwene serves as the associate director for the University of Pennsylvania Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program and works alongside the MAPP instructional team to ensure a world-class educational experience for students in positive psychology. Along with her work in positive psychology, Leona is a coach and consultant in health care, with a particular emphasis on building cultures that enable high-performing teams. She loves running, family, and supporting youth sports in her community.

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